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Monday, November 30, 2009
5 sports you’ve never heard of
5. Beijing, China: Hip hop grannies
A group of Chinese grandmas started a hip hop group -- insert ambulance joke here. But wait until you see them in colorful headbands and baggy urban wear, popping and locking without any sign of arthritis. 68-year-old leader Mrs. Wu initially met resistance from friends, who told her the dance was only performed by “bad people at the bottom of the society.” But she prevailed and now has a 60-strong posse with an average age of 57.
5. Beijing, China: Hip hop grannies
A group of Chinese grandmas started a hip hop group -- insert ambulance joke here. But wait until you see them in colorful headbands and baggy urban wear, popping and locking without any sign of arthritis. 68-year-old leader Mrs. Wu initially met resistance from friends, who told her the dance was only performed by “bad people at the bottom of the society.” But she prevailed and now has a 60-strong posse with an average age of 57.
5 sports you’ve never heard of
4. Ito, Japan: Laundry tub race
For 54 years, Ito residents have been going “rub-a-dub-dub.” Every July, hundreds of competitors squeeze their bums into a laundry tub and paddle furiously down Matsukawa River. The race is a tip of the hat to those who formerly washed clothes on the river banks. Some participants don costumes -- beer hats, Groucho Marx glasses -- and more than a few makeshift boats capsize.
4. Ito, Japan: Laundry tub race
For 54 years, Ito residents have been going “rub-a-dub-dub.” Every July, hundreds of competitors squeeze their bums into a laundry tub and paddle furiously down Matsukawa River. The race is a tip of the hat to those who formerly washed clothes on the river banks. Some participants don costumes -- beer hats, Groucho Marx glasses -- and more than a few makeshift boats capsize.
5 sports you’ve never heard of
3. Mikame, Japan: Pig rodeo
Let me set the scene: You’re perched on top of a 140 kg bucking beast, trying desperately to hang on for a chance at ¥50,000. The ferocious animal isn’t a steer or a bull… but a one-year-old pig. Mikame’s one-of-a-kind rodeo has been a summer tradition for 26 years. The video reveals that few contestants are able to mount a pig for more than a few seconds.
3. Mikame, Japan: Pig rodeo
Let me set the scene: You’re perched on top of a 140 kg bucking beast, trying desperately to hang on for a chance at ¥50,000. The ferocious animal isn’t a steer or a bull… but a one-year-old pig. Mikame’s one-of-a-kind rodeo has been a summer tradition for 26 years. The video reveals that few contestants are able to mount a pig for more than a few seconds.
5 sports you’ve never heard of
2. Southeast Asia: Elephant polo
Swap the horses for elephants and you’ve got pachyderm polo. Two riders sit on each beast: one steers the animal; the other strikes at balls with a wicket. According to legend, the game originated in Nepal after a drinking bout. Today, it’s popular all over Southeast Asia. There’s even an annual World Elephant Polo Championship.
2. Southeast Asia: Elephant polo
Swap the horses for elephants and you’ve got pachyderm polo. Two riders sit on each beast: one steers the animal; the other strikes at balls with a wicket. According to legend, the game originated in Nepal after a drinking bout. Today, it’s popular all over Southeast Asia. There’s even an annual World Elephant Polo Championship.
5 sports you’ve never heard of
Asia is awash in highly imaginative recreational sports. Will pig rodeos and penguin soccer someday be recognized by the Olympics? One can dream…
1. Seoul, Korea: Penguin soccer
To promote its participation in the 2002 World Cup, South Korean organizers rounded up a team of small penguins. The rookies donned colorful jerseys and punted a miniature soccer ball. Despite the haphazard game, the fangirls were visibly charmed.
Asia is awash in highly imaginative recreational sports. Will pig rodeos and penguin soccer someday be recognized by the Olympics? One can dream…
1. Seoul, Korea: Penguin soccer
To promote its participation in the 2002 World Cup, South Korean organizers rounded up a team of small penguins. The rookies donned colorful jerseys and punted a miniature soccer ball. Despite the haphazard game, the fangirls were visibly charmed.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wang Wang, Funi arrive in Adelaide
The giant pandas Wang Wang and Funi have arrived at Adelaide Airport to a rockstar welcome.
The giant pandas Wang Wang and Funi have arrived at Adelaide Airport to a rockstar welcome.
Trip of pandas Wang Wang and Fu Ni to Adelaide
Pandas Wang Wang (网网) and Fu Ni (福妮) arrived at their new home around 1pm on November 28, 2009 afternoon - driven there in a climate-controlled semi-trailer escorted by police. They arrived in Adelaide around 10.25am on a Singapore Airlines cargo plane named Mega Ark with chief panda keeper Simone Bayly - who accompanied the pair during the flight from China, through Singapore.
It will be another two weeks before the pandas go on display. The official launch of the giant panda exhibit by the Governor General, Quentin Bryce, is scheduled for Sunday, December 13. Public viewing commences on Monday, December 14, but hourly viewing slots are filling fast.
Zoos South Australia chief executive Dr Chris West predicts 262,000 more people from overseas and 1.3 million Australians will choose to visit Adelaide because of the pandas in the next 10 years. [endtext]
Pandas Wang Wang (网网) and Fu Ni (福妮) arrived at their new home around 1pm on November 28, 2009 afternoon - driven there in a climate-controlled semi-trailer escorted by police. They arrived in Adelaide around 10.25am on a Singapore Airlines cargo plane named Mega Ark with chief panda keeper Simone Bayly - who accompanied the pair during the flight from China, through Singapore.
It will be another two weeks before the pandas go on display. The official launch of the giant panda exhibit by the Governor General, Quentin Bryce, is scheduled for Sunday, December 13. Public viewing commences on Monday, December 14, but hourly viewing slots are filling fast.
Zoos South Australia chief executive Dr Chris West predicts 262,000 more people from overseas and 1.3 million Australians will choose to visit Adelaide because of the pandas in the next 10 years. [endtext]
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Spring Ford marching band at Philly Thanksgiving Day Parade 2009
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Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2009
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Disneyland Paris HD - Christmas 2009 - Part 4
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Disneyland Paris HD - Christmas 2009 - Part 3
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Disneyland Paris HD - Christmas 2009 - Part 2
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Disneyland Paris HD - Christmas 2009 - Part 1
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Eileen and Doug at Indian Pond Country Club, Part Three
Posted by Mariah:

Starting things off with some fun dancing to get everyone in the mood!
And then Doug took Eileen for a little spin around the dance floor.
Cocktail anyone?

It was so warm and cozy at the CC, Eileen and Doug are taking five by the fire. After this photo I curled up on the floor with a hot cider and had a little nap.
(just kidding- about the nap part anyway)

Starting things off with some fun dancing to get everyone in the mood!
And then Doug took Eileen for a little spin around the dance floor.
Love this one.
Some funny toasts...
Eileen's mom and dad listening...
Something about marriage being like a river rafting expedition... and needing helmets to make it out alive?!
Cake time.
Eileen loves her cake topper even though her mom was skeptical.
She says she loves to run and jump into Doug's arms and often greets him this way- lucky guy.
In fact, Doug's brother told us in his toast that the first time he met Eileen, Doug was giving her a piggy back ride (having just met her himself I think). Doug said, "meet my future wife!"
That's a good story.
I like the ending.
E & D have some kooky friends.
Shout out to Dana!!!! Hey Dana! Thank you so much for referring Eileen to me. You're the best!
PCP... Providence College Pals.
We are family...
Almost forgot to do my ring photo... luckily the candy bar just opened up.
Guess I'll be the first to dig in...
(evil laughing).
Can't decide which is more yummy.
Nice moves Doug!
Nobody puts baby in the corner.
Such a fun night! Thanks for having me as a part of it!

Friends and Family: Click HERE to register and receive an email when all of Eileen and Doug's photos are ready to view.
Eileen and Doug in Plymouth MA, Part Two
Posted by Mariah:
I am always so glad when our couples decide to do their photos before the ceremony, especially in the fall/ winter... it makes such a big difference!

No shortage of sweetness here!

I think it was nice for Doug and Eileen to have a little alone time before we did the rest of the photos! (with me of course).

I think it was nice for Doug and Eileen to have a little alone time before we did the rest of the photos! (with me of course).
Well, almost alone. We can't forget little Luna, she's waiting very patiently for a treat that's been promised to her.
Still waiting...
Tippy Toes
How cute is this little guy? I like his hairdo.
The whole gang... right before the rain starts blowing sideways!
I have to thank my fabulous assistant Sarah for spying this awesome nook. It had all kinds of furniture, but she moved it all and made it a great little backdrop for this portrait of Eileen.
I love this one, it's a classic.

I think the flower baby is tired of wearing her dress.

I think the flower baby is tired of wearing her dress.
I am crazy for this photo- look at those cute little legs!
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